January 30, 2025
February Master's Letter: “Choose to Belong”
02/02/25 (Sun) Groundhog Day
02/05/25 (Wed) Regular Communication
02/14/25 (Fri) Valentines Day
02/19/25 (Wed) Special: EA Degrees
02/26/25 (Wed) Social: Master's Table
03/05/25 (Wed) Regular Communication
03/19/25 (Wed) Special: EA Degrees
03/17/25 (Mon) St. Patrick's Day
03/26/25 (Wed) Social: Master's Table
We are one month into the year — and it was a good month! We shared a great evening with Livonia United Lodge #152 celebrating the life of Brother Robert Burns, and we brought a brother to more light, helping him grow and become a fellow of the craft.
February is a big month in Masonic history: the 22nd of this month in 1732 marks the birthday of arguably the most notable mason and our country’s first president - George Washington. In fact, in many parts of the world this date is designated as “International Day of the Freemason.”
Freemasonry is founded on the immutable laws of Truth and Justice and its grand object is to promote the happiness of the human race. - George Washington
Individually, bringing Happiness to the human race might indeed be a grand objective; focusing on individual happiness might be a good start. And belonging is one sure way to achieve happiness.
As a human being, belonging is critical. We thrive when we belong. We need to belong. Social and spiritual contentedness is a key for health and longevity - right up there with nutrition and exercise. Feeling that you're loved, supported and that you belong drive away that dark sense of loneliness and unhappiness. When you belong you have more resilience to periods of unhappiness.
Yes, you belong to the lodge, but do you really feel belonging? Do you just read our communications or do you attempt to find the time and attend and participate? Do you hear what is said in the rituals or do you listen and feel it? Are you present? Can you consider even the mundane daily routines to be viewed through a masonic lens? To demean yourself as becomes a man and a mason?
These are not questions of admonition rather thought challenges and invitation.
Because speaking for myself at least, I truly enjoy my time in lodge; I'm enjoying the conversation, the meaningful rituals, the brotherly love and camaraderie. And mostly I'm feeling pride and gratitude. Not a bad pride, but a good pride. Like a personal victory, and for truly showing up.
It's a big deal for me. I want you to enjoy the same.
I encourage each and every one of you to show up; you choose to belong and you belong. It’s a matter of a conscious choice and proactive action.
“Will he or will he not?” That is the question. Unfortunately, some things are beyond our ability to choose. So we put our trust in higher powers and hope for the best. Like this Sunday. Diverging from my otherwise masonic aspirations, I really, really, really hope for an overcast and dark day. Because without light there are no shadows. Without light Phil will not see his shadow…
On a more serious note, if there’s one reaffirmation that I take from January as we step into February, it is the fact that “It takes a Lodge to make a Worshipful Master.” I am nothing but fancily behatted without you. Your wisdom and strength are what make AAF 262 what it is.
May the light of brotherly love and unity continue to shine upon us.
With Brotherly Love,
WM Zevi Bareket