Master's Letter April 2025

Cherish the Moment



04/04/25 (Wed) Regular Communication
04/16/25 (Wed) Special and FC Degree Practice
04/19/25 (Satur.) FC Degrees - Detroit Masonic Temple
04/23/25 (Wed) Social: Master's Table — TBD
04/30/25 (Wed) Special: EA Degrees


05/07/25 (Wed) Regular Communication
05/21/25 (Wed) Special: EA Degrees
05/28/25 (Wed) Social: Master's Table — TBD


It’s April! And since flowers are not really my thing — I wouldn’t mind if we skip the “April  Showers” part; I’m just aching to get outside, ride, and enjoy the warm(er) weather.  This is going to be a busy and exciting Masonic month for us. We are going back to the Detroit  Masonic Temple for multiple FC degrees on the 19th, and we will bring to light two EAs on the 5th  Wednesday of the month.  

I suspect that when May comes around we’ll be looking back asking “Wow, is April over so quickly?”  So at this point, I want to urge you to pace yourselves; busy as the coming days may be — make an  effort to pause and pay attention, live in the moment, cherish the time as the clock ticks forward.

The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift, that's why it's called the present”. Many claim rights to this well-known saying, or at least for making it so popular. Personally I believe the credit should go to Winnie the Pooh; he certainly delivers it best. Winnie has this ability to enjoy the  moment. It’s inspiring to me and I wish I could be more like that; I find that we’re too obsessed by  what tomorrow will bring and too dragged down by yesterday’s events so  that we often miss the joy  that stares us right in the eyes.  

This desire to focus on the moment, and only on the moment, is best expressed in a prayer poem which I read recently:

Whatever happens. Whatever
what is is, is what
I want. Only that. But that.   (Galway Kinnell, 1927–2014)

Isn’t this a fantastic expression of a desire to only experience the very present, and only that present?

Being present and aware of the moment is one of the reasons I love being in Lodge: other than the  social part of dwelling pretentiously-free with my Brethren in a fraternally accepting atmosphere, the  ritual work makes me focus on the moment. When the door is closed it leaves behind the hustle and  bustle of everyday life and transports us into a ritual world requiring us to be focused and present. 

Cherish the moment, embrace life as it unfolds and tune into the small details.

What day is it?
It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
My favorite day,” said Pooh.

And finally, I want to remind you of our Brother Benjamin Franklin’s words: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”  The Ides of April is approaching fast; we can try and do our best to postpone death, but don’t mess with the IRS…

I look forward to seeing you during all 6 (six!) scheduled gatherings this month.

With Brotherly Love,

Zevi Bareket

Worshipful Master

Master's Letter March 2025

February 25, 2025 

March Master's Letter: “More Light!



03/05/25 (Wed) Regular Communication
03/19/25 (Wed) Special: EA Degrees
03/17/25 (Mon) St. Patrick's Day
03/26/25 (Wed) Social: Master's Table


04/04/25 (Wed) Regular Communication
04/16/25 (Wed) FC Degree Practice
04/19/25 (Saturday.) FC Degrees - Detroit Masonic Temple 10am
04/23/25 (Wed) Social: Master's Table
04/30/25 (Wed) Special: EA Degrees


What an awesome month March is! Our Lodge enters this month strengthened by the addition of two newly-made Brothers; and that’s not all — we will be bringing to light two more candidates in this month’s special. In February I also represented AAF262 in a “Mason’s Night” event, a night of fellowship and brotherhood hosted by St. Mary’s Lodge #4 in Livonia cigar bar. Yes, I know - it was rather difficult, but someone had to do it… 

Speaking of St. Mary’s: March, but more especially — March 2025, is a very special month for our Prince Hall Brothers: on March 6, 1775 Prince Hall was made a Master Mason in Irish Constitution Military Lodge No. 441. Congratulations on this 250th anniversary brothers! For us as Masons, his legacy is that of unrelenting struggle for equality, dedication to the craft, and a constant reminder that our core tenets of friendship, morality and brotherly love extend beyond any bounds of race or color.

As most things viewed in a Masonic way, I personally consider March as having 3 parts: my favorite part, my not-so-favorite part, and the let’s-not-forget part.

My favorite part of this month is the ushering in of more light. Literally. The Spring Equinox on March 20 is the time when light conquers darkness; the day overrules the night and becomes longer. Combining philosophy with my favorite instrument of physics — the pendulum — on that day the pendulum is at its lowest point and it now swings towards the light, leaving darkness behind. Viewed through Masonic eyes, the Equinox represents balance and harmony, as well as growth and renewal. The pendulum is perfectly plumb at its center point, and it now starts to move towards its furthest reach at the edge of that bounding circumscribing circle where one of the tangent parallel lines stands. Let us take this month as an opportunity for personal reflection and Masonic growth. As winter is being shed and we prepare for spring, let us shed idle burdens and make room for renewal; let us continue to seek balance within ourselves and in our relationships with others.

My not-so-favorite part of this month is the Ides of March. March 15th is a day of betrayal. It is an important and poignant reminder of the unpredictable nature of life and the consequences of betrayal. It is most famously tied to the assassination of Julius Caesar, but for us in Freemasonry, we cannot help drawing parallels to betrayal stories of our own. The Ides of March reminds us all of the importance of trust, loyalty, and vigilance. We vow to be true to our fellow Masons, yet we must be vigilant in protecting the sacred bonds we share and the principles upon which our Craft is built. Let’s try to get through that day without being stabbed.

Which brings me to the “hey, let’s not forget that part”: St. Patrick’s Day. Assuming we survive the Ides of March, March 17th will be a welcome transition from labor to refreshment. What is the connection between an Irish Bishop, a pagan-turned-Christian and Freemasonry? In March 17, 1780, while quartered at Morristown, NJ after a long winter of devastating fighting and losses, General George Washington recognized the urgent need for a moral boost and a respite from the ravages of war and winter. He issued a proclamation declaring March 17, 1780 a holiday for the Continental Army: “The General directs that all fatigue and working parties cease for tomorrow the seventeenth instant, a day held in particular regard by the people of Ireland.” That is one more thing for which we as Masons owe thanks to our very own General George Washington.

May the coming month bring us peace, happiness and a good Masonic fortune. More light cannot come soon enough.

With Brotherly Love,

WM Zevi Bareket

Master's Letter February 2025

January 30, 2025

February Master's Letter: “Choose to Belong” 



02/02/25 (Sun) Groundhog Day
02/05/25 (Wed) Regular Communication
02/14/25 (Fri) Valentines Day
02/19/25 (Wed) Special: EA Degrees
02/26/25 (Wed) Social: Master's Table


03/05/25 (Wed) Regular Communication
03/19/25 (Wed) Special: EA Degrees
03/17/25 (Mon) St. Patrick's Day
03/26/25 (Wed) Social: Master's Table


We are one month into the year — and it was a good month! We shared a great evening with Livonia United Lodge #152 celebrating the life of Brother Robert Burns, and we brought a brother to more light, helping him grow and become a fellow of the craft. 

February is a big month in Masonic history: the 22nd of this month in 1732 marks the birthday of arguably the most notable mason and our country’s first president - George Washington. In fact, in many parts of the world this date is designated as “International Day of the Freemason.”

Freemasonry is founded on the immutable laws of Truth and Justice and its grand object is to promote the happiness of the human race. - George Washington

Individually, bringing Happiness to the human race might indeed be a grand objective; focusing on individual happiness might be a good start. And belonging is one sure way to achieve happiness.

As a human being, belonging is critical. We thrive when we belong. We need to belong. Social and spiritual contentedness is a key for health and longevity - right up there with nutrition and exercise. Feeling that you're loved, supported and that you belong drive away that dark sense of loneliness and unhappiness. When you belong you have more resilience to periods of unhappiness. 

Yes, you belong to the lodge, but do you really feel belonging? Do you just read our communications or do you attempt to find the time and attend and participate? Do you hear what is said in the rituals or do you listen and feel it? Are you present? Can you consider even the mundane daily routines to be viewed through a masonic lens? To demean yourself as becomes a man and a mason?

These are not questions of admonition rather thought challenges and invitation.

Because speaking for myself at least, I truly enjoy my time in lodge; I'm enjoying the conversation, the meaningful rituals, the brotherly love and camaraderie. And mostly I'm feeling pride and gratitude. Not a bad pride, but a good pride. Like a personal victory, and for truly showing up.

It's a big deal for me. I want you to enjoy the same.

I encourage each and every one of you to show up; you choose to belong and you belong. It’s a matter of a conscious choice and proactive action.

Will he or will he not?” That is the question. Unfortunately, some things are beyond our ability to choose. So we put our trust in higher powers and hope for the best. Like this Sunday. Diverging from my otherwise masonic aspirations, I really, really, really hope for an overcast and dark day. Because without light there are no shadows. Without light Phil will not see his shadow…

On a more serious note, if there’s one reaffirmation that I take from January as we step into February, it is the fact that “It takes a Lodge to make a Worshipful Master.” I am nothing but fancily behatted without you. Your wisdom and strength are what make AAF 262 what it is. 

May the light of brotherly love and unity continue to shine upon us. 

With Brotherly Love,

WM Zevi Bareket

Master's Letter January 2025


Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and may you have a Happy & Healthy New Year Wherever Dispersed   



01/01/25 (Wed) New Year's Day
01/15/25 (Wed) Regular Communication
01/20/25 (Mon) Martin Luther King Jr. Day
01/22/25 (Wed) Social: Burns Dinner at Livonia
01/29/25 (Wed) Special: FC Degree


02/02/25 (Sun) Groundhog Day
02/05/25 (Wed) Regular Communication
02/14/25 (Fri) Valentines Day
02/19/25 (Wed) Special: EA Degrees
02/26/25 (Wed) Social: Master's Table

Oh, yes -  we are also just past Solstice - the days are now getting longer, a few seconds at the time; there’s light at the end of the Winter ! 

Speaking of light, I hope to make this year in our lodge a year of light and of further light. It is not quite January 1st yet, but we’re off to a good start: this IS the season of light — brightly decorated trees everywhere, the 8+1 candles of the Hanukkiah in the windows, the 7 candles of Kwanzaa — generally speaking, everyone around us walks with a beaming smile (well, except the Grinches…)  I hope that we can find and further the brightness of our own inner masonic light; I hope that we get to strengthen our personal connection with (at least some of) the words and meaning of our rituals — beyond just reciting them. 

January’s significance in masonic history includes bringing into the light of this world three notable Brothers: the celebrated poet Robert Burns, the scientist who is also one of our nation’s founding fathers Ben Franklin, and the prolific composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. When Mozart’s father passed to the Fellowcraft degree, he composed the song “Gesellenreise” (Fellowcraft's Journey):

You, who now are risen higher unto Wisdom's high abode, Wander steadfast higher, higher, Know, it is the noblest road. Only the unblighted man May approach the source of Light.

Happy is he who can say: There is a light upon my life's road!

Let’s bring happiness into our lives by filling our lodge with light!

I would like to reiterate here some words from my installation remarks, talking about my intents for this coming year (“intents”, not “plans” since we know what Brother Burns told us about “the best-laid plans of mice an’ men”)…

My intent is to focus on, and advance the three pillars that are the lodge's support: Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty.

Wisdom to contrive and put forth the right designs on our trestle board. We will put it into practice by fostering our education. We should always be in pursuit of more internal and personal illuminating knowledge.

Strength is our brotherly love. We connect men of different backgrounds and cultures, and we should celebrate this diversity. This brotherly love is central to our life as masons. Brother Victor Hugo’s masterpiece Les Miserable tells us that “To love another person is to see the face of God”; what better way is there to bring deity into our lodge other than by love?

Beauty to adorn it all. No matter how smartly it is built, no matter how strong it stands — a temple is but an empty hall without the beauty of rituals and ceremonies. 

I know I’ll need help in bringing these to fruition, but I also know that I can count on your wisdom and strength so that AAF 262 maintains and amplifies its beauty in 2025.

Last but not least: as a New Year gift, attached is our comprehensive and updated LMR - Lodge Membership Roster. Use it to keep in touch with each other, as well as a reaching-out tool to support our obligation to help, aid and assist each other. Many thanks to our WB Secretary David and WB Musician Bob for their efforts of putting this list together

With Brotherly Love,

WM Zevi Bareket

Master's Letter December 2024

Dakota Legge

9:29 PM (2 hours ago)

to aaf

My Brothers,

I cannot believe we have made it to December and the lodge is still standing under my reign of terror. We have had such an amazing year and now we only have a few more important items to attend to. I want to thank each and every one of you for such an unforgettable year. I could not have done it without your help and support. I know my successor will receive the same support that you all have given to me. I am saddened that this is my last month (Weeks) as your worshipful master, but I know that Zevi will grow this lodge even better and more elegant.

December is a month of gathering whether with acquaintances, friends or family it is a time to celebrate. Celebrate the year we had, Celebrate the present. Celebrate the future. Yes, December is the start of winter but winter also brings so many things to celebrate. I want to leave this lodge with one message and one message only. Be kind to one another, help each other, and stay 262 strong.

I want to thank you all for everything, I cannot fathom a way to repay you for this amazing year. Have a wonderful holiday season and I hope to see you at one of our events.


11/20/2024 - Stocking Stuffer Event

12/04/2024 - Lodge of Sorrows

12/14/2024 - Installation of officers

12/19/2024 - Grotto Holiday Party

01/01/2025 - Tom & Jerry Party at Zal Gaz Grotto

Yours Truly,

Dakota Legge

Worshipful Master

Ann Arbor- Fraternity #262

Master's Letter Nov 2024


I cannot believe we have already made it to November. This year has flown by and has had its fair share of ups and downs. I am very proud of this lodge and all the wonderful things we do. November is a month that I use as a recharge, whether it's getting out in Nature or surrounding myself with family. Whether you surround yourself with family by blood or the family you made along the way, it is always good to be with those you love. On the day before Thanksgiving we will be having our Master's Table at the Zal Gaz Grotto and that is a great time to reconnect with your brothers!

As we near the end of the year we have a few more important dates to wrap up the year.

11/6 - Regular and our Elections for 2025

11/20 - Special Charity Event: Putting stockings together for the Masonic Home. We need your help!

11/27 - Master's Table - Zal Gaz Grotto

12/4 - Regular and Lodge of Sorrows

12/14 - Installation of Officers

I hope to see you all there. Let's finish this year strong!

Dakota Legge

Worshipful Master

Master's Letter October 2024


Another Month has come and gone. We welcomed a new Entered Apprentice into our folds as well as a few plural members! I am proud of all of you for that.

October means it is officially spooky season and the beginning of the holidays! I know these are very busy times these next few months but please do your best to make it to lodge because we still have work to get done and fellowship to have. 

This is probably a good area to talk about scary movies and how the villains are just misunderstood but sadly, I don't care for scary movies all that much so I would be making it up. If you feel like you are just misunderstood, a great way to work through that is not by creating a scary movie, it is by coming to lodge and relearning the principles of Masonry.

We have a very important month coming up. At our Regular we will be discussing the budget for next year so make sure you are there to vote on it. At the special, we will be raising a new Master Mason. Finally, we have a 5th wednesday this month that happens to be right next to Halloween so we will be doing our lodge certification.

For the Lodge Certification, I cannot stress this enough but it is going to be a costume dress code and yes jokes will be made if you decide to not show up in a costume. The only rules for the costumes are no hats and you must be able to wear your apron.

This is going to be a great month and I look forward to seeing all of you.


10/2: Regular Business Meeting

10/16: MM Degree

10/23: Master's Table

10/30: Lodge Certification and Costume Contest


Dakota Legge

Worshipful Master

Ann Arbor Fraternity #262

Master's Letter September 2024



Can you believe that Summer has come and gone so fast?!?!?! I hope you all had a wonderful time and enjoyed your break.


It is time to get back to work and back to lodge. September is known for a few things like back to school, National Sign up for a Library Card Month, and of course the beginning of my favorite season…Football.


Let’s try to take away a few things from what this month is known for. First is back to school, The students returning to their classes whether it’s their first day of Pre-K or they are starting a new semester of their PhD they are starting or renewing a routine and ritual. Likewise we are renewing our routine and ritual of coming to lodge and performing degrees to start new brothers on their Masonic Journey. This is a time to reflect on what we have learned in the past and check our goals for the year. This is also the time to start planning our goals for the future and settings the Lodge and ourselves up to do great things. It’s a chance to educate ourselves and learn from each other. It doesn’t matter if you are a new Mason or if you have been a Mason for 50 years, we always can learn something new or see something different in the ritual when we come to meetings and talk to each other.


National Sign Up for a Library Card Month is a great reminder to not only read about Masonic history but also read Anti-Masonic history because we should learn both sides or aspects in order to become our best self. The library is also a quiet place and we should take that as a place of introspection and meditation. Look within to guide your future and reflect on decisions and actions from the past. I highly recommend that you take the time to sign up or renew your library card from your local library because they have so much to offer other than books.


Last but certainly not least, we have the start of football season, We as a lodge are a team and we should practice our virtues and work together to overcome obstacles. More importantly we should work together to improve each other and the community around us. I feel so lucky to be apart of this lodge because it is comprised of the greatest Masons that I have ever known and we work together better than any fantasy football team I have ever drafted. Thank you all for your support not only of the lodge but of all the brothers and widows, it is truly inspiring.


I am so excited to be back at lodge with all of you and cannot wait to see you all for our first regular back on Wednesday, September 4th. Remember, these next few meeting are some of the most important of the year as they determine our plan for the future between NPDs, Budget, and Elections.



August 28th – Master’s Table at

September 4th – Business Meeting (Dinner at 6, Gavel at 7)

September 12th-15th – Walls of Honor in Hamburg

September 18th – Special (EA) (Dinner at 6, Gavel at 7)

September 25th – Master’s Table TBD

October 2nd – Business Meeting (Dinner at 6, Gavel at 7)



Dakota Legge

Worshipful Master

Ann Arbor-Fraternity #262

Master's Letter June 2024


Can you believe it is already June! It is crazy how time flies and the year is almost half over.

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday the 5th - Regular Communication (Guest Speaker Joanna from the Moving Wall at dinner)

Friday the 14th - Flag Day

Wednesday the 19th - Juneteenth and Special

Saturday the 22nd - St. Johns Table Lodge (get your tickets now)

Wednesday the 26th - Master's Table

First, I would like to thank all of you for all the support I have received so far this year. It takes all of us to make this lodge run and I sure think it is a well oiled machine. 

When I think of June, I always think of June Bugs. One day they are here and then shortly after they have gone. I find this phenomenon happens in Masonry as well. What can we do to retain members? What can we do to help welcome them back? What would those members like to see done before they come back? It takes all of us to reach out and to those of you who made some of the brother to brother calls recently, I thank you. Think about the things that make you happy or excited to be at lodge and how we can expand on them and continue to improve.

I hope you all have a lot of wonderful plans for this summer and I hope to see you all real soon.


Dakota Legge

Worshipful Master

Ann Arbor Fraternity #262