“Cherish the Moment”
04/04/25 (Wed) Regular Communication
04/16/25 (Wed) Special and FC Degree Practice
04/19/25 (Satur.) FC Degrees - Detroit Masonic Temple
04/23/25 (Wed) Social: Master's Table — TBD
04/30/25 (Wed) Special: EA Degrees
05/07/25 (Wed) Regular Communication
05/21/25 (Wed) Special: EA Degrees
05/28/25 (Wed) Social: Master's Table — TBD
It’s April! And since flowers are not really my thing — I wouldn’t mind if we skip the “April Showers” part; I’m just aching to get outside, ride, and enjoy the warm(er) weather. This is going to be a busy and exciting Masonic month for us. We are going back to the Detroit Masonic Temple for multiple FC degrees on the 19th, and we will bring to light two EAs on the 5th Wednesday of the month.
I suspect that when May comes around we’ll be looking back asking “Wow, is April over so quickly?” So at this point, I want to urge you to pace yourselves; busy as the coming days may be — make an effort to pause and pay attention, live in the moment, cherish the time as the clock ticks forward.
“The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift, that's why it's called the present”. Many claim rights to this well-known saying, or at least for making it so popular. Personally I believe the credit should go to Winnie the Pooh; he certainly delivers it best. Winnie has this ability to enjoy the moment. It’s inspiring to me and I wish I could be more like that; I find that we’re too obsessed by what tomorrow will bring and too dragged down by yesterday’s events so that we often miss the joy that stares us right in the eyes.
This desire to focus on the moment, and only on the moment, is best expressed in a prayer poem which I read recently:
Whatever happens. Whatever
what is is, is what
I want. Only that. But that. (Galway Kinnell, 1927–2014)
Isn’t this a fantastic expression of a desire to only experience the very present, and only that present?
Being present and aware of the moment is one of the reasons I love being in Lodge: other than the social part of dwelling pretentiously-free with my Brethren in a fraternally accepting atmosphere, the ritual work makes me focus on the moment. When the door is closed it leaves behind the hustle and bustle of everyday life and transports us into a ritual world requiring us to be focused and present.
Cherish the moment, embrace life as it unfolds and tune into the small details.
“What day is it?”
“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
“My favorite day,” said Pooh.
And finally, I want to remind you of our Brother Benjamin Franklin’s words: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” The Ides of April is approaching fast; we can try and do our best to postpone death, but don’t mess with the IRS…
I look forward to seeing you during all 6 (six!) scheduled gatherings this month.
With Brotherly Love,
Zevi Bareket
Worshipful Master