January Master's Letter: No Crystal Ball In The Dark

Happy New Year!!!

The New Year is here, and I find myself sitting here wondering just what that will mean to me. Unfortunately, my crystal ball developed a large crack in it long ago, so no help there.

What I do know is that the future is a dark scary place where anything is possible; kind of like if you’re walking down a dirt road in the blackest of night. In the dark all kinds of terrors await ready to pounce at any moment. At the same time some of the greatest moments and experiences of our lives are right around us waiting for us to discover them. The problem is the darkness that prevents us from seeing them.

But then we as Masons have an advantage that most others don’t…we’ve been brought to light.


So, what does that mean? Simply that we have been given tools with which to guide us down our road, sorta like a flashlight. Now imagine that you are on that dark scary road and have a flashlight. With it you can push back the darkness a little and have a better chance of scaring off the terrors and finding those great moments and experiences.

But once again we are Masons, and what that means is that we never walk that dark road alone, your Brothers are always with you. Now multiply your flashlight by all of your brothers, and you are no longer walking in the dark, but in bright light and the terrors flee from it.

In short, fear not the future, but exalt in it and enjoy the journey down the road.

As a reminder, the Regular Communication for January is on the 15th, the Special will be on the 29th. Dinner at 6pm and the gavel sounds at 7pm.

This year I thought that in each Masters letter we would play a little game. I will give a quote from one of my favorite movies, the first Brother to email me with the correct movie and who said it will win a prize to be awarded at the next regular communication. So here we go:

“Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!”

Good luck, and I hope to see you in lodge!

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Cody L. Dunn

Worshipful Master

UPCOMING EVENTS - See  our Calendar for details
Jan 9 - Brothers of Literature | Zal Gaz Grotto (Ann Arbor)
Jan 11 - Brothers Breakfast | Weber’s (Ann Arbor)
Jan 15 - Regular Communication | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall (Ann Arbor)
Jan 22 - Master’s Table | TBD
Jan 29 - Special Communication [EA]  | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall (Ann Arbor)
