March madness is upon us!
No I’m not just talking about basketball, but the madness that seems to overcome most of us. That desperate desire to be finished with the ice and snow and be able to once again walk outside without boots and a heavy coat. To start cleaning up the garden and get it ready for planting. To pick up all the fallen branches and twigs and rake up the rest of last years leafs, and make them disappear in the burn barrel. That desperate need to see the grass turn green again and be able to mow it to a nice even length. How many of you have already looked longingly at your mower and thought “not long now”?
Yes, I know that about June we’re going to be complaining about having to mow it so much, but I would much rather mow the grass once a week, than shovel the snow once or twice a month! And I know a few of the Brothers have looked lovingly at their bikes and had to resist the temptation to sit on them and imagine cruising down the road, leaning into the turns and enjoying the feeling of freedom that it brings.
I find myself now, whenever I’m outside, straining to hear the sweet sounds of songbirds, or looking over the trees for the return of the robins and checking the yard for the appearance of the first crocus flowers, I look into the sky and hope to catch a glimpse of some blue sky and that bright light that is the Sun, instead of the dull pewter gray of a winter sky, all the while the voice inside my head keeps whispering “not long now”.
But as it is only the beginning of March, I’m looking out the window at the snow that covers the ground and all I can do is to try to keep myself still and hope that the coming days will be warmer, and I will be able to cure the March madness that afflicts me by being able to go outside and working in the sunshine soon.
That ball you just aced to the Beast was worth…well…more than your whole life
The winner of the February Masters movie Challenge was: Brother Rick Wresche
With the answer: The Sandlot
And said by: Benjamin Franklin “Benny the Jet” Rodriquez
This month’s movie challenge is:
This is my most special place in all the world, Ray. Once a place touches you like this, the wind never blows so cold again. You feel for it, like it was your child.
The first one to email the name of the movie and the character who said it, to wins. Good luck!!!
Dates of note for this month are:
Mar 4th | Regular communication
Pittsfield Grange, 3337 Ann Arbor-Saline Road, Ann Arbor, MI
Dinner 6pm, Lodge 7pm.
Mar 12th | Brothers of Literature
Zal Gaz Grotto Club, 207 W. Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI
7pm -9pm.
Mar 14th | Monthly Brothers Breakfast
Weber’s Restaurant & Hotel, 3050 Jackson Ave. Ann Arbor, MI.
9:30 am to 11:00 am.
Mar 14th | Past Master’s Roast
Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center, 8768 North Territorial Road, Plymouth, MI. 48170
5:30 pm to 10:00 pm.
Mar 17th | St. Patrick’s Day
Mar 18th | Special Communication
Pittsfield Grange, 3337 Ann Arbor-Saline Road, Ann Arbor, MI
Dinner 6pm, Lodge 7pm.
Mar 25th | Masters Table
Cody L. Dunn
AAF #262