Master's Letter January 2024

Happy New Year Brothers!


December 31st New Year's Eve

January 1st Tom & Jerry party

January 3rd Regular Communication

January 17th EA Degree practice

January 31st Burns Dinner

As the new year is upon us it's a time for reflection as well as planning. We can reflect on the past year and all the good times we had as well as what we accomplished as a lodge together. As we plan our goals for the new Year we need to not only remember where we came from but where we want to go. I encourage everyone to think about what they want to see out of the lodge this upcoming year and how each of us can help achieve our goals.

According to the Chinese Horoscope 2024, the dragon represents authority, prosperity, and good fortune. The Wood Dragon year 2024, when combined with the nourishing Wood element, will bring evolution, improvement, and abundance; it is the perfect time for rejuvenated beginnings and setting the foundation for long-term success.

Let's start the year off strong with setting the foundation (bylaw updates) so that we can focus on our long-term success or goals(more brotherhood events).

Finally, I want to thank all of you for an amazing 2023.


Dakota Legge

Worshipful Master