Master's Letter August 2023

·        Wednesday July 26th Master’s Table Metzger’s 305 N Zeeb Rd Ann Arbor 48103 7pm

·        Tuesday August 8th Masonic Workshop/Brothers of Literature TBD

·        Saturday August 26th Lodge Picnic 11am see letter for further info

·        Wednesday September 6th Regular Communication

·        Wednesday September 20th Special Communication Master Mason degree

Brothers we have a few events left while we are still “dark” first is the upcoming Master’s Table.  If you are available, please come we have two gentleman that are thinking of joining our lodge and it would be great to make a good impression.  Please let our Junior Warden know if you are coming ASAP so he can make reservations.

The other is the lodge picnic.  Saturday August 26th at 11am  at Island Lake Shelter B.  There will be burgers and hotdogs, but we ask for you to bring something to pass.  If you have no idea what to bring

Last name A-H bring a side dish
Last name I-P bring beverages
Last Name Q-Z bring a desert


Why words matter.  Our ritual is “largely” unchanged for more than 300 years.  Sure we might substitute words that are no longer used in today’s vocabulary but the intent and meaning is still secure which got me thinking about common sayings we hear and use all the time.  We all use incorrectly because they have been shortened to have a different meaning if not the exact opposite intent.


Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
The first half is often used to keep children from snooping or asking too many questions.  But the full quote has quite a different meaning. 

The love of money is a root of all sorts of evil.
I think there is an important distinction here having wealth doesn’t make you a bad person, but what you did to earn it and if you hoard it to other detriment is more of a reflection of you as a person.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it burned in one.
It takes time to build something but can be destroyed in a flash.  Whether it’s your reputation, your career, or your family.

The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
The version we hear says that your family is the most important thing.  But the real saying is that the bonds we make in life can be more important than being related.  As a man with no family, I know this to be true. 

The Early Bird Gets The Worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!
Sometimes its just as important to learn from the mistakes of others as to be the first one to do things

Jack of all trades, master of none though often times better than a master of one.
While it is important to have a depth of knowledge in what you do, its also important to not be so focused one thing that you can’t do other things.  This is why we seven liberal arts and sciences.

Great minds think alike but fools rarely differ.
The second half of the expression, “fools seldom differ.” suggests that the people that came to the same conclusion aren’t so smart after all.

Life is short it’s actually the longest thing you’ll ever do.
While human life is fleeting compared to the age of a mountain, it doesn’t mean that you can squander your life on fruitless things.  Live a life of meaning to yourself and others.  Another saying comes to mind along with this one.  A society is only great when men plant trees that they will never get to sit under. 

The customer is always right in matters of taste.
If a man wants to buy an ugly hat let him buy an ugly hat.  But the customer doesn’t get to change the rules.