Master's Letter June 2024


Can you believe it is already June! It is crazy how time flies and the year is almost half over.

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday the 5th - Regular Communication (Guest Speaker Joanna from the Moving Wall at dinner)

Friday the 14th - Flag Day

Wednesday the 19th - Juneteenth and Special

Saturday the 22nd - St. Johns Table Lodge (get your tickets now)

Wednesday the 26th - Master's Table

First, I would like to thank all of you for all the support I have received so far this year. It takes all of us to make this lodge run and I sure think it is a well oiled machine. 

When I think of June, I always think of June Bugs. One day they are here and then shortly after they have gone. I find this phenomenon happens in Masonry as well. What can we do to retain members? What can we do to help welcome them back? What would those members like to see done before they come back? It takes all of us to reach out and to those of you who made some of the brother to brother calls recently, I thank you. Think about the things that make you happy or excited to be at lodge and how we can expand on them and continue to improve.

I hope you all have a lot of wonderful plans for this summer and I hope to see you all real soon.


Dakota Legge

Worshipful Master

Ann Arbor Fraternity #262