February Master's Letter: The Promise

Brothers here it is: the February edition of the Master’s Letter.

February is the shortest month of the year, as well as one of the coldest and snowiest, but it’s also the month that I look forward to the most during the winter.

“Why?” you ask. Well its because February is the breaking point of winter. From November through January it seems that all thoughts are on winter, preparing for it, surviving it. But then along comes February, and Groundhog day (by the way Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring this year) and the Super Bowl.

Soon after comes President’s Day and the Daytona 500. Then comes what has become in my house one of the most important days of the new year, Fat Tuesday or as a lot of people know it “Pączki day”, as well as the last day of Mardi Gras. The very next day is Ash Wednesday and the count down to Easter has begun.

So as I said, even when it is one of the coldest and snowiest months of the year, February is the winter month that I most look forward to due to the promise of Spring to come. The days are getting longer, the buds on the trees are starting to get bigger, and it won’t be long until the robins return and the Sun shines bright and warm. That’s the promise of February.

“Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!”

“Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!”

The big winner of last month’s Master’s Movie Quote was Oscar Ortiz PM, with the answer:

President Merkin Muffley, in Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.

This months Masters Movie Quote is:

“That ball you just aced to the Beast was worth…well…more than your whole life”

The first Brother to email me with the correct movie and what
character said it wins. Good luck!!!

The calendar dates to be aware of this month are:

Feb. 5th | Regular communication

Pittsfield Grange 3337 Ann Arbor-Saline Road, Ann Arbor, MI Dinner 6pm, Lodge 7pm.

Feb. 8th | Brothers Breakfast

Weber’s Restaurant & Hotel 3050 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 9:30am – 11:00am

Feb. 13th | Robert Burns Table Lodge

Zal Gaz Grotto Club 2070 W Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI 6:30pm – 9:00pm

Feb. 19th | Special Communication - MM degree

Pittsfield Grange 3337 Ann Arbor-Saline Road, Ann Arbor, MI Dinner 6pm, Lodge 7pm

Feb. 26th | Masters Table


Cody L. Dunn
AAF #262

January Master's Letter: No Crystal Ball In The Dark

Happy New Year!!!

The New Year is here, and I find myself sitting here wondering just what that will mean to me. Unfortunately, my crystal ball developed a large crack in it long ago, so no help there.

What I do know is that the future is a dark scary place where anything is possible; kind of like if you’re walking down a dirt road in the blackest of night. In the dark all kinds of terrors await ready to pounce at any moment. At the same time some of the greatest moments and experiences of our lives are right around us waiting for us to discover them. The problem is the darkness that prevents us from seeing them.

But then we as Masons have an advantage that most others don’t…we’ve been brought to light.


So, what does that mean? Simply that we have been given tools with which to guide us down our road, sorta like a flashlight. Now imagine that you are on that dark scary road and have a flashlight. With it you can push back the darkness a little and have a better chance of scaring off the terrors and finding those great moments and experiences.

But once again we are Masons, and what that means is that we never walk that dark road alone, your Brothers are always with you. Now multiply your flashlight by all of your brothers, and you are no longer walking in the dark, but in bright light and the terrors flee from it.

In short, fear not the future, but exalt in it and enjoy the journey down the road.

As a reminder, the Regular Communication for January is on the 15th, the Special will be on the 29th. Dinner at 6pm and the gavel sounds at 7pm.

This year I thought that in each Masters letter we would play a little game. I will give a quote from one of my favorite movies, the first Brother to email me with the correct movie and who said it will win a prize to be awarded at the next regular communication. So here we go:

“Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!”

Good luck, and I hope to see you in lodge!

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Cody L. Dunn

Worshipful Master

UPCOMING EVENTS - See  our Calendar for details
Jan 9 - Brothers of Literature | Zal Gaz Grotto (Ann Arbor)
Jan 11 - Brothers Breakfast | Weber’s (Ann Arbor)
Jan 15 - Regular Communication | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall (Ann Arbor)
Jan 22 - Master’s Table | TBD
Jan 29 - Special Communication [EA]  | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall (Ann Arbor)


Brotherly Love



I wanted to send out my May Master's letter and let you know that I have been honored with the year so far, and I am looking forward to a great summer and remainder of the year.

“By the exercise of Brotherly Love, we are taught to regard the whole human species as one family—the high, the low, the rich, the poor—who, as created by one Almighty Parent, and inhabitants of the same planet, are to aid, support, and protect each other. On this principle, Masonry unites men of every country, sect, and opinion, and conciliates true friendship among those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance.”

This month, I wanted to write on the subject of brotherly love.  Within Freemasonry, brotherly love is the cement that will bind us, all of our teachings, and the direction that we wish to take our fair institution.  It allows for all brothers to treat each other as equals, to meet on the level and to act as one family.  This allows for us to look at our teachings and ritual and think about how to apply them to our lives, but more importantly on how to help our brothers apply it to their life as well and let them guide us in our lives.   As an organization, we are unique, we do not judge based on race, religion, creed, or background, rather we actively seek to bring in all men who are looking to improve themselves and society as a whole.  In fact, it is this basic precept of Masonry that creates the contrast with general society. Within general society, man has tendency to separate, create subgroups, and exclude others that are different than us- Freemasonry is the bridge that will connect disparate individuals under the canopy of heaven. As we look at this concept, it is important that we bring it out of the theoretical and start to ask how can we apply this concept within the lodge as well as beyond?

Whenever we gather to open our lodge, there is one line that will always stand out to me, that ‘harmony is the strength and support of all institutions, but more especially that of ours.’  I would ask myself, “Why is it more especially for our institution than others?”  I think the simple answer is that bereft of brotherly love, Masonry would cease to exist, and harmony is a necessary ingredient for brotherly love to exist.  Harmony does not mean that we need to hold our tongues and not acknowledge the flaws of ourselves and others, rather it means that we look to one another with understanding and operate as such that we are a part of something greater and it is essential that we look to the strengths that each person will bring, and identify the weaknesses present and look to assist others in minimizing those weaknesses.  Harmony and brotherly love mean forgoing our ego, forgoing our need to be correct, forgoing our desire to control, and look to improve the lodge, the craft, and the ourselves as opposed to diminishing the role of another.

It is too often that an individual will use an institution and position of power or respect to domineer or assert control over others, and Masonry is not immune to that. However, we must always be mindful of our obligations and realize that a quick word intended to put someone in their place, or state that someone is wrong, or that someone is acting against the interest of the craft merely because they are doing something that you might disagree with should be avoided at all costs.   Too often, if a person has internal turmoil or angst, they are more act to look to find fault with others in their actions.  In other words, some of the alpha males of Masonry may be excellent at Masonry but may not be excellent Masons.   In turn, they can drive away brothers and cause them to leave the lodge.

It is possible that they may have missed the message that they came here to learn, to subdue their passions, and improve themselves in Masonry.  Subduing their passions might mean to be less quick to anger, less quick to make a comment or statement, and less willing to take an action that could be divisive.  When we improve ourselves in Masonry we look to act in harmony with the members of the lodge, we look to improve our community, and we look to improve ourselves to the best possible person that we can be.  We must remind ourselves that this is the constant work that we have undertaken, and we can all look to improve.

I look forward to seeing you in lodge and look forward to hearing how you are working to spread the cement of brotherly love.


David Bunn, WM

UPCOMING EVENTS - See  our Calendar for details

June 5 - Regular Communication | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall
June 10 - Camp Kaseem Check Presentation | University of Michigan Football Stadium
June 19 - Special Communication [EA]  | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall (Ann Arbor) June 26 - Master's Table | Dominick’s 812 Monroe St. Ann Arbor July 4 - 4th of July Parade  | Downtown Ann Arbor July 17 - Possible Special Communication   | Location to be determined July 24 - Master's Table | Whitmore Lake Tavern, 9839 Main Street, Whitmore Lake July 31 - Table Lodge

February's Master’s Letter: In All Things Charity

AAF262 assists Walt Wheeler PGM in presenting $36,000 to the Ann Arbor Ronald McDonald House

AAF262 assists Walt Wheeler PGM in presenting $36,000 to the Ann Arbor Ronald McDonald House


On this 31st day of February, I wanted to make sure that my February Masters Letter was sent out before the end of the month. With this in mind, one of the subjects that has been in steady discourse lately is charity

The phrase, "In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas" is likely familiar to many here, but in case your Latin is a little rusty it roughly translates to In necessary things unity; in uncertainty- liberty, and in all things charity. In many respects this help to define charity within the scope of Freemasonry. That we must hold firm to the landmarks of the craft, we must know what is necessary to continually strength our actions, but we must always remember that we are individuals and have free reign in our lives. However, both within the actions of the lodge and also the actions of our personal lives that we must always live with charity. Within the original Latin, charity was synonymous with both love and benevolence toward others and we should use this as the focal point on our discussion of charity.

This month we had the pleasure of initiating two new brothers, where the charge in the Northeast helped to speak to the importance of charity. That we must regularly practice charity, regulate our actions, and limit our desires. However, it is important to note that as Masons we practice charity not because we are a defined charitable organization, rather it is a natural byproduct of who we are and who we seek to become. The Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of India has written that the "practice of charity when adopted by a Freemason gives immense please to himself and also shapes the future of both, the donor and the recipient, to fulfill the requirement of humane services and that surely completes the sublime equation of survival in the turbulent period which can be face by anyone living on this Earth."

Further, this month we also had a chance to complete this grand equation by providing a donation of $36,000 to the Ronald McDonald House of Ann Arbor in conjunction with the Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation (MMCF). We were able to see our charity work in action, and how it would help shape the community around us. We had a chance to tour the facilities and see how this contribution will be able to pay for the cost of one of the rooms for a year and assist hundreds of families and affect thousands of lives.

As a way of supporting the commitment that the MMCF has made to our local charities, I would like to see Ann Arbor Fraternity Lodge #262 make an effort to support the MMCF. The MMCF keeps track of giving by members in Lodges, and last year we decided to give an award at Grand Lodge to the Lodge with the highest percentage of members who make a gift to the MMFC, no matter the $ amount. Right now, #262 is ranking at 96th place among Lodges. It would be wonderful if we were in the running since we are the greatest Lodge (now, then and hereafter), but to do that we'd need around 50 more donors. https://www.michiganmasonsfoundation.org/make-a-gift/

So, please join me and consider making a pledge to the MMCF. Whether it be for any amount as a show of faith and commitment. Remember, it is important to contribute liberally to relief of a poor and distressed friend, but more especially a brother mason if without material injury to yourself.

Lastly, as we are speaking about charity, I want to encourage you to come and help us plan our charity event for the Fall. This event will be larger than just a #262 event, we will be inviting all Masonic lodges and Masonic organizations across Washtenaw County, and veterans groups to help plan for a Veteran's Day Gala this November. We will have our next meeting on March 31st, at the Zal Gaz Grotto from 3-5pm. Remember, as Albert Pike stated, "What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for other and the world remains and is immortal.

Sincerely And Fraternally, 

David Bunn
Worshipful Master 

UPCOMING EVENTS - See  our Calendar for details
Mar 6 - Regular Communication | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall
Mar 12 - Brothers of Literature, Please contact Paul Uslan for location information
Mar 20 - Special Communication [EA]  | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall (Ann Arbor)
Mar 23 - Officer Training/Deacon's Day | Alma, MI, lunch/tour provided REGISTER HERE
Mar 27 - Master's Table Heidelberg Restaurant

January's Master’s Letter: Go For a Walk



                While many believe that whenever we begin something new, the most important thing is to establish what we are looking to accomplish and what our goals are.  However, it is perhaps just as important that we stop to pause and reflect on ourselves and our surroundings.   As we begin the new year I want the lodge to strengthen the relationships between the brothers of the lodge, deepen the ties with the surrounding lodges and other Masonic bodies, and develop the connections to our overall community.  Now that I have laid out the goals that we are looking to accomplish for the year, I think that now is the appropriate time to talk about reflection.

                Within our Masonic ritual we incorporate walking and circumambulation in order to elicit emphasis, illustrate concepts, and provide a chance for reflection.  Further, walking also had a special place for many of the great philosophers of history. Kant would walk daily to escape the “compulsion of thought,” Nietzsche used the solitude of stride in order to compose The Wanderer and His Shadow as he required the moments of reflection and meditation in order to think out and contemplate who he was and clarify his thoughts.  Walking provides an avenue for you to unclutter your mind and look inwardly. 

                One of my tasks as Worshipful master is to set the craft at work and give them proper instruction.  As a result, I want to give you the edict to go for a walk.  Perhaps take a page out of Thoreau’s book and go for a walk in the woods.  Listen to your surroundings, feel the splendor of nature, and contemplate yourself. I know that for some this will be more difficult, but for others this is a continuation of how you live from day to day. While we will have a fair number of events and opportunities planned for this year (more about that later), I want to make sure that throughout this entire Masonic journey that we will take a few moments for reflection during the process.  Freemasonry, by nature, should be restorative to the soul and even if you are not physically going for a walk, please spend time and take an inward journey and spend time with quiet contemplation.

                On to some events that we have coming up:  We will have our Master Mason degree day on January 19th that will give you an opportunity to reflect on what it means to be a Master Mason and to go through a reobligation ceremony.  We will have a Masters Table at Hopcat in Ann Arbor on January 24th, we will have a Robbie Burns celebration at the Grange on January 31st. On February 6th, we will welcome Dirk Hughes from the Michigan Masonic Museum and Library who will present on Freemasonry in Michigan and he will also bring the George Washington apron, President Taft apron, and the President Truman cornerstone. We will have a widows luncheon on February 16th as a way of helping to honor the brothers and the widows.

I look forward to seeing you in lodge and I am looking forward to the walk that you will take with me over the upcoming year.

Sincerely And Fraternally, 

David Bunn
Worshipful Master 

UPCOMING EVENTS - See  our Calendar for details
Jan 19 - Master Mason Degree Day | The Detroit Masonic Temple (Detroit)
Jan 23 - Masters Table Dinner | HopCat (Ann Arbor)
Jan 30 - Festive Board - Robert Burns Dinner | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall (Ann Arbor)
Feb 6 - Regular Communication -Masonic Museum Presentation | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall (Ann Arbor)
Feb 20 - Special Communication [EA]  | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall (Ann Arbor)

December's Master’s Letter: Farewell to the East!

Steve 3.jpg


Back in 2009, I was unhappy, sour, quick to anger, and I wasn't doing anything to improve it. In fact I was spiraling in my own dissatisfaction with nothing in particular (or in retrospect: myself). My wife told me I should "get out of the house more." Little did any of us know that that comment would lead us to this email today.

Starting out as a socially awkward, quick-to-put-his-foot-in-his-mouth introvert, it pushed me out of my comfort zone to make an arrangement to meet WB Seymour at the Borders in Arborland. Now both Seymour and Borders are gone, but that meeting left an indelible mark in my life and kicked off a journey of self discovery and improvement that lead me through the east. "What do you think, you sure you want to do this?" Seymour asked me. I wasn't, but again I pushed myself and said "yes" anyway, and he gave me a petition.


And so began my journey in Freemasonry. What I saw so inspired me, I had to get involved. Getting involved meant I would have to continually push myself to find new ways (and sometimes new recipes) to push through obstacles, both internal and external. First as Steward (I had to roll up my sleeves and help), then as Chaplain (I had to memorize those beautiful prayers), then through the officer line (each chair more difficult than the last). With some tragedies along the way, I had to adapt on the fly. I had to learn and improve skills I had no intention of learning or improving. Skills I was perfectly happy to let atrophy because of their distance from my comfort zone.

The result is what you see before you, a slightly less socially awkward, marginally-less-quick-to-put-his-foot-in-his-mouth mostly-introvert, and about to be your immediate past master. Brothers, I call that a success! I couldn't have done it without all the love and support you've all given me over the years. The officers, the past masters, the brethren, you all helped and encouraged me along the way and that was the catalyst for everything I did.

These years have truly been a journey, and I'm coming out the other side a different, better man. Freemasonry has worked as intended for me, it has helped me move that needle in the positive direction as a man, a father, and a member of society. I'm forever indebted to you and the craft, and will pay it forward as best I can. Thank you all for enabling and encouraging me to make this journey

Now begins the next chapter, the journey of this past master to reflect and continue to push myself for the rest of my days so that, when I meet my maker he'll be sure to remark: "Not bad, Dude. Not bad".

Hope to see you all at my last meeting, our December 5 Regular Communication, where I'm sure to make some outrageous motions that just may pass if you're not there to vote "no".

Sincerely And Fraternally, 

Steven Moazami
Worshipful Master

UPCOMING EVENTS - See  our Calendar for details
Dec 5 - Regular Communication | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall
Dec 15 - Installation of Officers for 2019 | South Lyon Masonic Lodge
Jan 2 - Regular Communication | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall
Jan 16 - Special Communication [MM]  | Saline Lodge

October Master’s Letter: Charity

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!


Coming up on November 10th is our charity party at the Zal Gaz Grotto in support of the Cancer Support Community of Greater Ann Arbor (CSC).

We're taught in the Entered Apprentice degree that all good Masons strive to reach the starry-decked heaven by the aid of the symbolism of the three principal rounds of Jacob's Ladder: Faith, hope, and charity. It is mentioned that the:

"...greatest of these is Charity, for Faith may be lost in sight, Hope may end in fruition, but charity extends beyond the grave..."

Charity is also mentioned in the three principal tenets of Freemasonry: Brotherly love, relief, and truth. Relief here does not just mean relief from poverty, or financial need. One of the things that CSC provides our community is relief. Relief for cancer patients to have a temporary reprieve from the difficulty of their journey. Relief for family members to find understanding and fellowship among others who know their pain and share their grief.

We'll be gathering as a craft to support this great charity and do what we can to help this organization do the good work that they do for our community and for our brothers. Charity too, does not just mean financial giving, though that's a welcome component too. Volunteering to help, stepping up with some elbow grease and doing what we can helps in every way. Not only do we have an opportunity to help a worthy cause, but to be active and vital in supporting our community, and the visibility doesn't hurt either.

During the EA degree the candidate is given a first-hand feeling of being destitute. Penniless and for all intents and purposes, alone, he's asked to make worthy donation for posterity, to be:

"...laid up among the records in the archives of this Lodge as memento that you were herein made a Mason."

A shot at posterity--dashed. It may be a long time since you felt that feeling, asked to contribute, and subsequently being asked if you are entirely destitute. I encourage you to think about the position you were in, nearly naked, and how far from that state you are now. I often reflect on that moment, as I'm truly blessed in this life and I need to remember to give back.

Let's dig deep into that feeling, to power us to come to the party, ready to contribute! Let's make it another successful fund raising event this November 10th! There will be live music (with cover charge towards charity), food and drink available for purchase from the Zal Gaz Grotto, as well as 50/50 raffle and silent auction. And of course, my favorite, a box to drop checks in. If you aren't able to make it, you can still contribute via gofundme!

Hope to see you there! We can't do this without you!

Sincerely And Fraternally, 

Steven Moazami
Worshipful Master

UPCOMING EVENTS - See  our Calendar for details
Nov 7 - Regular Communication | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall
Nov 8 - Discussion Group:Brotherhood of Literature | Bro. Paul’s House
Nov 10 - Charity Fundraiser  | Zal Gaz Grotto Club
Nov 28 - Special Communication [MM]  | Saline Lodge
Dec 5 - Regular Communication | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall
Dec 15 - Installation of Officers for 2019 | South Lyon Masonic Lodge

Faith Hope Charity Banner.jpg

September Master’s Letter: Right On Schedule!

“Let every man be master of his time.” ~ WS

“Let every man be master of his time.” ~ WS


The weather is cooling, days are getting shorter, leaves are changing, and oh my goodness Autumn crashed into my family like a rhino whose credit card is unexpired. My apologies for this September's Master's letter being so belated as to come to you in October.

Repentant of my tardiness, I've looked at our ritual for what lessons I can learn regarding my lapse in punctuality or the lack of timeliness in delivering this letter to you.

The scythe, the hour glass, time undoing the ringlets in the virgin's hair: Masonic symbolism is rich in references to the fleeting nature of our time on Earth, themes I've touched on before. We're taught to consider the working tool of the 24 inch gauge as way to allocate our time, and we hear a lot of references to Freemasonry as it relates to time immemorial. But I haven't seen anything on the value of being on time. Curious.

My thoughts on why this is falls under two categories: Practical (Operative) and Spiritual (Speculative).

In operative Masonry, as especially from its beginnings in time immemorial, there is no working tool for the measure of time, as seen by the 24 inch gauge being used as an emblem for time. Punctuality and timeliness require a precision in the measurement of time, which didn't exist up until the 17th century, a little before the advent of speculative masonry. Prior there were sun dials which are reasonably accurate but subject to weather and seasonal changes. There were water alarm clocks to wake monks in the middle of the night so they didn't miss their prayers. But until the advent of the pendulum clock it wasn't really possible to accurately (and reliably) measure minutes, and even then it had no practical use for measuring punctuality. It was a great boon to navigators and astronomers to accurately track and chart the stars, but it wasn't until the advent of the railroad and the hairspring that allowed for reasonably accurate pocket watches, that it meant something to be punctual.

So operative Masonry, predating all this, apparently had no need for it. I imagine you showed up to work a certain rough time relative to day break and left a rough amount of time relative to sun set. Strange to the modern sensibilities that you didn't begin work at something o clock sharp. But seems reasonable to think that being "on time" was lumped into "showing up" when time is more relative than we're used to. So it seems to me that while we explore Freemasonry to make ourselves better men, it wasn't until recently that "punctual" was part of being "better".

In discussing this curious lack of symbols with Brother Paul Uslan, our Lodge Education Officer, he pointed out what the absence of a symbol might mean in speculative Masonry. "As time and space cease to exist on the spiritual plane, I doubt there are symbols to explain it on the physical," Paul pointed out. This gave me a lot to ponder. The lessons of the hour glass and the scythe certainly tell us that life is fleeting and we should make the use of every moment we have, but time stretching forth before and after your time on Earth is so vast, what is a minute relative to eternity? Is the spiritual lesson on timeliness actually a lesson on timelessness? Not to sweat the little stuff in the big picture? Or is the spiritual lesson that it's not the time or the space that matters, but being at the time and space that you'd said you'd be? Being true to yourself and your word? Brothers it feels like the spiritual lesson is both.

So maybe I shouldn't sweat the fact that it took me so long to find the time to write to you, but maybe I should sweat the fact that I didn't properly execute one of my duties as master of this lodge. I'll endeavor to do better for October! The clock's ticking!

What do you think brothers? Have I missed some symbols or lessons Freemasonry might offer on punctuality and timeliness?

Sincerely And Fraternally, 

Steven Moazami
Worshipful Master

UPCOMING EVENTS - See  our Calendar for details
Oct 17 - Special Communication [MM]  | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall
Oct 24 - Dinner&Movie/Master’s Table | Zal Gaz Grotto Club, RSVP NOW
Nov 7 - Regular Communication | Pittsfield Union Grange Hall
Nov 8 - Discussion Group:Brotherhood of Literature | Bro. Paul’s House
Nov 10 Charity Fundraiser  | Zal Gaz Grotto Club
Nov 28 - Special Communication [MM]  | Saline Lodge

Three is the magic number!



It's June, the last month before we go dark for two months. So maybe I should write three months worth of letter. Better yet: one letter about the number three.

Three is the magic number and comes up quite a bit in ritual. In the Fellowcraft degree alone there are many sightings of three. The three steps allude to the three degrees in Freemasonry and the three principal officers. Three are the original Greek columns: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. Three are the most revered of the five senses: hearing, seeing, and feeling. A solid is a figure of three dimensions, namely: length, breadth, and thickness. There are the three wages of the Fellowcraft: the corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment, and the oil of joy--which denote plenty, happiness, and peace.

But the three most meaningful to me are the jewels of a Fellowcraft:

"...which are an attentive ear, an instructive tongue and a faithful breast, because the attentive ear receives the sound from the instructive tongue and the mysteries of Masonry are safely lodged in the repository of faithful breasts."

The attentive ear is important because there is so much to learn. You may have heard me say I'll be tired of living when I'm tired of learning. Though my ADD can make the attentive part difficult ... I lost my train of thought. Listening is a valuable skill that doesn't always come easily. Wisdom can be in knowing when to listen and to whom you listen. It's something I'm constantly working on, suppressing that urge to interject half cocked into any conversation.

Listening isn't the only way to learn though. Some even say to master something you have to teach it.  Every Regular Communication we try to have an education coordinated by our excellent LEO Paul Uslan (that's Lodge Education Officer, not his zodiac symbol). That's an example of the instructive tongue expanding your horizons. We all accumulate knowledge along our journeys, Masonic or not, and that knowledge is valuable and should be shared. Passing on our knowledge can help us solidify our own understanding, and in explaining we can find new insight. I highly encourage you to reach out to Brother Paul and sign up to do a Lodge Education on any subject you find interesting.

Lastly the faithful breast, where we symbolically lodge and literally hold dear the mysteries of Masonry. Determining what knowledge is worth keeping, sharing, or even disregarding is another example of wisdom. Being faithful to the truth is one of the highest ideals of civilization and as Freemasons we are taught to cherish this as much as our secrets and obligations.

INDEPENDENCE DAY PARADE: Don't forget, this Wednesday at 9:00am we're meeting by State Street just south of Williams to march in the Ann Arbor 4th of July Parade! Stay tuned for exact details, all Masons from all over are welcome to march with us!

Have a great summer! We'll see you at the July 15 picnic and then in the fall, and don't forget to grow your chili peppers all summer for the great chili cook off 3rd Wednesday of September!

Sincerely And Fraternally, 

Steven Moazami
Worshipful Master

UPCOMING EVENTS - See  our Calendar for details
July 4 - Ann Arbor 4th of July Parade | On State, just south of William 9:00am
July 5 -  Brotherhood of Literature | WB Pal Bunten's house
July 15 -  Masonic Family Picnic | Gallup Park
July 25 -  Master's Table Dinner | Smokehouse 52 BBQ,  Saline
Aug 2  -  Brotherhood of Literature  | TBA
Aug 22 -  Grotto Master Mason Night and Master's Table Dinner | Zal Gaz Grotto
