Master's Letter August 2023

·        Wednesday July 26th Master’s Table Metzger’s 305 N Zeeb Rd Ann Arbor 48103 7pm

·        Tuesday August 8th Masonic Workshop/Brothers of Literature TBD

·        Saturday August 26th Lodge Picnic 11am see letter for further info

·        Wednesday September 6th Regular Communication

·        Wednesday September 20th Special Communication Master Mason degree

Brothers we have a few events left while we are still “dark” first is the upcoming Master’s Table.  If you are available, please come we have two gentleman that are thinking of joining our lodge and it would be great to make a good impression.  Please let our Junior Warden know if you are coming ASAP so he can make reservations.

The other is the lodge picnic.  Saturday August 26th at 11am  at Island Lake Shelter B.  There will be burgers and hotdogs, but we ask for you to bring something to pass.  If you have no idea what to bring

Last name A-H bring a side dish
Last name I-P bring beverages
Last Name Q-Z bring a desert


Why words matter.  Our ritual is “largely” unchanged for more than 300 years.  Sure we might substitute words that are no longer used in today’s vocabulary but the intent and meaning is still secure which got me thinking about common sayings we hear and use all the time.  We all use incorrectly because they have been shortened to have a different meaning if not the exact opposite intent.


Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
The first half is often used to keep children from snooping or asking too many questions.  But the full quote has quite a different meaning. 

The love of money is a root of all sorts of evil.
I think there is an important distinction here having wealth doesn’t make you a bad person, but what you did to earn it and if you hoard it to other detriment is more of a reflection of you as a person.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it burned in one.
It takes time to build something but can be destroyed in a flash.  Whether it’s your reputation, your career, or your family.

The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
The version we hear says that your family is the most important thing.  But the real saying is that the bonds we make in life can be more important than being related.  As a man with no family, I know this to be true. 

The Early Bird Gets The Worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!
Sometimes its just as important to learn from the mistakes of others as to be the first one to do things

Jack of all trades, master of none though often times better than a master of one.
While it is important to have a depth of knowledge in what you do, its also important to not be so focused one thing that you can’t do other things.  This is why we seven liberal arts and sciences.

Great minds think alike but fools rarely differ.
The second half of the expression, “fools seldom differ.” suggests that the people that came to the same conclusion aren’t so smart after all.

Life is short it’s actually the longest thing you’ll ever do.
While human life is fleeting compared to the age of a mountain, it doesn’t mean that you can squander your life on fruitless things.  Live a life of meaning to yourself and others.  Another saying comes to mind along with this one.  A society is only great when men plant trees that they will never get to sit under. 

The customer is always right in matters of taste.
If a man wants to buy an ugly hat let him buy an ugly hat.  But the customer doesn’t get to change the rules.

Master's Letter July 2023

Sunday July 2nd Independence Day Parade now with more float Briar Wood Mall 9am meet up.

Tuesday July 11th Masonic Discussion Group  TBD

Wednesday July 26th  Master’s Table  TBD

Sunday August 26th Lodge Picnic Island Lake Shelter B 11am

Wednesday September 6th Regular Communication Dinner 6pm Gavel 7pm

Here’s a small story that happened to me recently.  Now that the weather is no longer cold, I prefer to drive with my window down versus using the AC and every day coming home from work it would feel at least 5 degrees cooler after I drove over the freeway getting home.  At first, I stopped thinking about it by the time I got home and got out of my car.  But it kept happening consistently.  So, I started getting curious and decided to do some research.  My plan was to find detailed weather maps of my area.  Cross reference those with topological maps.  Maybe there was some kind of natural barrier like a ridge or hill that caused this.  Maybe I could check NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and google earth.  Then one day I remembered that physics exists and the speed limit changes from 35 to 55 miles per hour at that overpass.  Yep the correct answer was wind chill.  While this story is a little embarrassing, and kind of silly, it should hopefully remind that sometimes the solution to a problem is a lot simpler than you make it out to be. 

Brothers even though the Lodge is dark during July and August it doesn’t mean there is nothing to do.  We still have plenty of events for fellowship.  Most notably the Independence Day Parade.  Now With More Float!!!  AAF262  St. Mary’s #4 and Zal Gaz #34 will once again be marching and riding together in unity for our community.  Brothers may wear aprons or Fezzes  but not both.  The whole Masonic Family is encouraged to join us.  Nice shorts, polos, and bowling style shirts should be appropriate for the weather.  We will have flags and toothbrushes to pass out to the kids. 

Master's Letter June 2023

Wednesday May 24th Master’s Table Connor O’Neil’s 7pm 318 S Main St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Wednesday May 31st Lodge of Instruction 6pm Dinner 7pm Gavel All officers summoned

Wednesday June 7th Regular Communication Dinner 6pm Gavel 7pm

Wednesday June 21st Master Mason Degree Dinner 6pm Gavel 7pm

Saturday June 24th 3rd Annual Joint St John’s Day Table Lodge 6pm

Sunday July 2nd Independence Day Parade now with more float Briar Wood Mall 9am meet up

Sunday August 26th Lodge Picnic Island Lake Shelter B 11am

Wednesday September 6th Regular Communication Dinner 6pm Gavel 7pm

This will be my last Master’s Letter until September.   And Once again I was stuck on what to write about you were going to get a horrible poem I wrote about going dark for the summer, but good news I found inspiration.

Just Two Days Ago on May 17th I and about dozen officer traveled to/invaded Walled Lake 528 for a double EA degree.  All were greeted as brothers if not friends and were treated to a good dinner and great degree work.  I am happy that many of you got to see the lodge where I learned the chairs.  And after talking with a few of you I have some takeaways I want to share. 

The first takeaway is literal, a Walled Lake gavel, since we outnumbered their members a gavel was surrendered and is now a travelling gavel, they now have to come to our lodge to win it back.  We will set the rules and issue a challenge to Walled Lake at our June regular. 

Some of the other things were being somewhat jealous or envious of Walled Lake and their temple, as well as their proficiency with degree work.  First let’s talk about their temple.  Yes they are lucky in having a temple that has been their home for 100 years.  The building was originally a two-room schoolhouse they bought in 1923.  The chairs in the South from the old Walled Lake theater.  They redid the lodge room back in 2015 where they(me included) put in new carpet, wood paneling in the east, pews in the south and two brazen pillars from the old Commerce temple.  All in all an easy place to have dinner and hold meetings and degrees.  But if you were to tell them to set up a lodge from scratch I’m willing to bet even their past masters couldn’t do what our stewards do in twice the time.  Our lodge has taught me that with ease comes complacency.  Our challenges make us stronger and, in some ways, a more cohesive lodge.  An officer line that I am truly proud of.  Which leads us to their degree work.

I would be lying if I said that their work wasn’t good, but what you may not realize is that The Master is on his second year, the Senior Warden has been as Mason for 40 years, and the Junior Warden a three-time past master of the lodge, even their secretary is a DDI.  I was far more impressed with the work of their Stewards I dare say their degree work rivals that of our Stewards Ben and Justin, which says a lot of how impressive I found them.  But our degree work is more personal, more connected, and I think more meaningful to the candidate. Our ritual is done with joy not just repetition.  I have seen the flair for the dramatic in each of you, that you a preforming rather than just reciting.  We know the men we are about to make brothers and we get to know them more with our intender program.  Could we be more word perfect sure, but I would rather keep the humanity in our degree work than robotic proficiency. 


With that being said.  We will hopefully be having a Master Mason degree in September as well.  And it is going to be a step up degree for everyone.  Dakota be ready to do your first degree.


Sincerely and Fraternally

David VanDerworp WM

Master's Letter May 2023

Saturday April 22nd 11am Detroit Masonic Temple, Tudor Room FellowCraft Degree

Wednesday April 26th Blue Tractor 207 E Washington St, Ann Arbor  7pm

Wednesday May 3rd Regular Communication Dinner at 6pm Gavel at 7pm

Tuesday May 9th Masonic Workshop TBD

Wednesday May 17th Special Communication

Wednesday May 24th Master’s Table Conor O’Neill’s 318 South Main Street Ann Arbor 7pm

Wednesday May 31st DDI School of instruction.  This is a summons for all officers

Saturday June 24th Joint Table Lodge with St Mary’s #4 MWPHGLof MI


To me the month of May is a Masonic Checkpoint.  The officers should well be used to their chairs and share of ritual, with a few degrees under their belts.  Grand Lodge’s Annual Session is upon us, and we shall have a new Grand Line, including a new Grand Master.  We should be looking at buttoning up things before we go dark for July and August.  But it should also give us pause to look at the successes and challenges of the year so far.  Plus highlight some upcoming events to be excited for.

 First I want to say that I am proud of all of my officers this year.  It may have taken us till March to finally get everyone officially installed, but we got there.  To our Junior Deacon Louie Keele, and Stewards Ben Flagg, and Justin Pagilerani, your willingness to step whenever the need arises has not gone unnoticed.  To my Warden Zevi and Dakota thank you for strengthening me in and out of Lodge.  And a special thank you to the rest of my officers, your counsel has been invaluable in getting the work needed to be done, done.   

As of writing this we have had four regular communications, with eight masonic educations, the Passover Seder I think may be the most memorable of the year.  Thank you Donald Wilson and Justin Krasnoff for putting together a great program.  We have entered one new brother, passed one, and raised two brothers, and in a couple of days we will hopefully be passing two brothers to the degree of fellowcraft at the Detroit Masonic Temple.  Events so far this year.  Our Rabbie Burns festive board.  A Master’s Table.  The Past Master’s Roast and Awards Dinner.  Keep your eyes open for our Third Annual St. John’s Joint Table Lodge with St. Mary’s, and 4th of July Parade, this year with 100% more float. And our Annual Lodge picnic. Grand Lodge will be this month at the Soaring Eagle Casino, and although there are few amendments this year, I am willing to bet there will still be some excitement. 


As our relationship with the Grotto continues to evolve and we continue to get comfortable in our new home, I want to thank WB Bob Hospadaruk for his invaluable help in getting us more space for storage and additional furniture, including a cabinet just for degree stuff, some storage in the basement and some chairs for the master and wardens. 


Going forward.  There is still much to do I will need all of your strength to help the continue to achieve this lodge’s high standards in doing what makes us stand out amongst other lodges.  Our recent donation to Hope Clinic has reminded me how important they are to the greater Washtenaw Community, and we should continue, if not double our efforts to support them.  


This leads me to the challenge of work that still needs to be done.  Our candidate pipeline has been very slow these last couple of months.  Which while has enabled us to concentrate on giving more individual degrees to brothers, it worries me that we will have no work for the rest of the year. Bylaw changes are being looked into, I will be asking our BGP and Grand Lodge Lawyers for specific language to protect the lodge.  


Sincerely and Fraternally

David VanDerworp WM

Hope Clinic - "Community Unity"

Eric Bettner PM, David VanDerworp WM, George Bordt PM, Bob Hospadaruk PM, Douglas the Hope Clinic.

Ann Arbor-Fraternity Lodge, in concert with other local PHA lodges and the Zal Gaz Grotto, has spent the last year collecting non-perishable food and hygiene products to donate the Ypsilanti's Hope Clinic. This cooperative effort is code-named "Community Unity". The Hope Clinic provides food, dental, medical and behavioral health care to those in need in our community.
Now, WM David VanDerworp and Brothers present a $600 check to Douglas Campbell of the Hope Clinic. The lodge is so happy to be able to help their continuing work!

Master's Letter April 2023

·        Sunday April 2nd PM Roast and Awards Dinner, Fox Hills 6pm.

·        Wednesday April 5th: Regular Communication Passover Observance Dinner 6pm

·        Sunday April 9th Easter

·        Tuesday April 11th Masonic Workshop

·        Friday April 21 Eid al-Fitr

·        Saturday April 22nd Fellow Craft Degree Detroit Masonic Temple 11am

·        Wednesday April 26th Master’s Table Blue Tractor 207 E Washington St, Ann Arbor, MI 7pm

While April this year represents many things, Spring, good weather, a month of Abrahamic Holidays, and important to a lot of people just to be able to enjoy the outside again.  But April also means something else to me.  April is Autism Awareness Month.  For those of you who don’t know your Worshipful Master is Autistic.  I’m definitely not the first Autistic WM this lodge has had, but probably the most vocal about it.  Freemasonry has a lot to offer an Autistic person.  A niche interest, rituals, while being surrounded by other people, who take me as I am, my voice doesn’t get lost because we don’t generally speak over each other.  And best of all with all the education our lodge does I can info dump on obscure masonic topics and not be seen weird.  Except for having to wear a hat, it's pretty good. 

Here comes the counter intuitive part.  I am going to ask you not to support the group “Autism Speaks” Don’t put a puzzle piece filter on your Facebook profile picture, or a puzzle piece ribbon on your car.  I know that “Autism Speaks” is the most prolific and well-known Autistic group out there, but they are at heart Anti-Autistic.  They seek to end us by any means necessary whether by developing tests to tell if your fetus may be autistic so you can terminate the pregnancy, or ABA therapy which is often harmful to autistic children’s emotional wellbeing.  The puzzle piece is insulting to autistic people, a part of me isn’t missing, not part of my intellect and not part of my soul.  I am a whole person.  So, who should you support?  ASAN “Autistic Self Advocacy Network” is as it sounds an awareness and advocacy group run by the people they represent.  What symbol should I use to show my support?  We like the rainbow and the gold infinity symbols.  The rainbow infinity symbol represents neuro diversity as a whole, ADHD Autism, Tourette’s, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and so on.  The golden infinity symbol, created by an Autistic artist represents Autism on its own.  The chemical symbol for gold is Au the first two letters in Autism

Master's Letter March 2023

Important Dates

  • Wednesday March 1st Stated meeting.  Dinner at 6pm Gavel at 7pm

  • Tuesday March 7th Masonic Discussion Group 7pm Location TBD

  • Thursday March 9th Zal Gaz Grotto Movie/Membership Night! 6pm

  • Wednesday March 15th Special Communication EA degree Dinner at 6pm gavel at 7pm

  • Wednesday March 22nd Master’s Table Thompson & Co. 400 North River Street, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 7pm

  • Wednesday March 29th Lodge of instruction, and all the questions you were too afraid to ask dinner at 6pm gavel at 7pm(master masons only)

  • April 2nd Annual Past Master’s Roast -Fox Hills Country Club

  • Wednesday April 5th Stated Meeting.  As it is the first day of pass over we will be having a seder for dinner

  • Saturday April 22nd Detroit Masonic Temple degree 11am

March is Women’s history month, so I contacted Sister Secretary Mary Gordon of Ypsilanti Chapter 119 Order of the Eastern Stars of Michigan and asked if she would be so kind as to tell us about OES a primarily women’s group in the Masonic Family

The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest Fraternal Organization in the World that both women and men can belong. The Order was founded by Dr. Rob Morris, a Master Mason and a poet Laureate of Masonry in 1850. In 1858-1859 Dr. Morris served as Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Kentucky.  Both Dr. Morris and his wife Charlotte worked on the idea of the Order and invited brother Masons and their wives to discuss the plans.  Dr. Morris also wrote the first Ritual for the Order of the Eastern Star under the title of “The Rosary of the Eastern Star.”  In 1866 Dr. Morris became associated with Mr. Robert Macoy of New York City.  When Dr. Morris departed for the Holy Land, he transferred to Robert Macoy all the authority.  In 1867 and 1868 Mr. Macoy compiled and published a Ritual using Dr. Morris Rosary as a guide.  The was the beginning of the Order of the Eastern Star in the United States.  The first Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star was organized in Michigan in 1867.

The Degrees of Eastern Star were created around the lives of five Biblical woman, Adah, Ruth, Esther, Martha and Electa.  These five women were selected for their Biblical examples that stand for one of the principles of the order, Fidelity, Consistency, Loyalty, Faith and Love.

The Order of the Eastern Star provides us with a means of compassion and concern, not only for our fellow Sisters and Brothers in the Order of the Eastern Star, but to ourselves, our Country and our faith.  Most of us want to do something for others and the Order of Eastern Star offers that guidance.  When we meet on a monthly basis it is not only for business but also for fellowship.  We are here to give a helping hand.

Our Charities are; The Benevolence Fund that helps our sisters and brothers in need.   The Education Fund that offers scholarships to those pursuing higher education at a college or a trade school.  We also have scholarships for those pursuing a divinity degree, music degree and advance degrees.  Our Service Dog Charity supports Paws with a Cause, and Leader Dogs. We also support The Jaeger Foundation that pairs puppies with veterans and first responders who are in need of a service dog.

To belong a woman must be either a wife, daughter, legally adopted daughter, mother, widow, sister, half-sister, granddaughter daughter-in-law, Step mother, stepdaughter, step sister, great granddaughter, niece, great niece, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, of affiliated Master Mason or a Mason who has passed away but was in good standing, or members of either active for three (3) years or majority of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls or the International Order of Job’s Daughters.

For a man to join he must be a Master Mason in good standing

OES letter to 262

Master's Letter February 2023

From the East

Important February Dates:

·        Wednesday February 1st Regular Communication Dinner 6pm Gavel 7pm

·        Tuesday February 7th Brothers of Literature 7pm

·        Tuesday February 14th Valentine’s Day.  So, you may ward off approaching danger

·        Wednesday February 15th Master Mason Degree.  Gavel 6:30pm dinner during refreshment

·        Wednesday February 22nd Master’s Table Metzger’s 7pm


February is the month of Love, but we tend to only think of romantic love during this month.  The Romans had eight different words for love Philia, Storge, Pragma, Eros, Ludus, Mania, Philautia, and Agape.  While Pragma, Eros, Ludus and sometimes even Mania, are all kind of wrapped up into our modern idea of love we should also spend this month contemplating the other four.  As masons the first one to grab our attention is:

Philia is love without romantic attraction and occurs between friends or family members. It occurs when both people share the same values and respect each other — it’s commonly referred to as “brotherly love.”

Philia when built up on can turn into something greater Storge

Storge is a naturally occurring love rooted in parents and children, as well as best friends. It’s an infinite love built upon acceptance and deep emotional connection. This love comes easily and immediately in parent and child relationships.

The last two are the highest, and often the hardest.  They can be interwoven and sometimes mutually exclusive

Agape is the highest level of love to offer. It’s given without any expectations of receiving anything in return. Offering Agape is a decision to spread love in any circumstances — including destructive situations. Agape is not a physical act, it’s a feeling, but acts of self-love can elicit Agape since self-monitoring leads to results.

Philautia is a healthy form of love where you recognize your self-worth and don’t ignore your personal needs. Self-love begins with acknowledging your responsibility for your well-being. It’s challenging to exemplify the outbound types of love because you can’t offer what you don’t have.


Note:  Our Master Mason degree will begin at 6:30 pm dinner will be served between first and second section. 

January Master's Letter

From the East

Important Dates

  • Sunday January 1st Tom an Jerry Breakfast Zal Gaz 9am

  • Wednesday January 4th Stated Meeting Zal Gaz, Dinner 6pm Gavel 7pm

  • Tuesday January 10th Brothers of Literature/Masonic Workshop 6pm see minutes for address

  • Wednesday January 18th Special Communication Zal Gaz dinner 6pm Gavel 7pm

  • Thursday January 26th Robert Burns Dinner “Festive Board” Open event to partners and those interested in joining


A New Year! A New Lodge?  A New Chance? A New Beginning?

A New Lodge?   The short answer “Yes”.  We’re meeting in a new location, we have a new officer line, things are different than they used to be.  The long answer “No”.  Our lodge is a ship of Theseus.  The planks may have changed, we may be in a different port, but that intangible part, that collective spirit that makes us a lodge. 152 years of Fraternity is still there, still shining as a beacon of Freemasonry in Ann Arbor.

A New Chance?  Yes a new chance.  A chance to start again.  In short we miss you, we miss what you bring to this lodge.  It’s been awhile now, and you’re embarrassed you can’t remember how to open, that’s okay take one of our officers aside any of us will be happy to give a quick refresher.  What if I walk in and don’t know anybody? (Besides Art).  Great!  When I walked into this Lodge for the first time six years ago, with my petition of transfer in hand, I didn’t know a single brother. I was afforded the opportunity to make new and lasting friendships, besides you did it once as a petitioner yourself.  Now is the time to make new habits and step out of your comfort zone.  Which leads to…

A New Beginning?  That’s not a question I can answer for you.  Its there for taking, We certainly hope you do. 

Sincerely & Fraternally
David VanDerworp PM

March Master's Letter: Not Long Now


March madness is upon us!

No I’m not just talking about basketball, but the madness that seems to overcome most of us. That desperate desire to be finished with the ice and snow and be able to once again walk outside without boots and a heavy coat. To start cleaning up the garden and get it ready for planting. To pick up all the fallen branches and twigs and rake up the rest of last years leafs, and make them disappear in the burn barrel. That desperate need to see the grass turn green again and be able to mow it to a nice even length. How many of you have already looked longingly at your mower and thought “not long now”?

Yes, I know that about June we’re going to be complaining about having to mow it so much, but I would much rather mow the grass once a week, than shovel the snow once or twice a month! And I know a few of the Brothers have looked lovingly at their bikes and had to resist the temptation to sit on them and imagine cruising down the road, leaning into the turns and enjoying the feeling of freedom that it brings. 

I find myself now, whenever I’m outside, straining to hear the sweet sounds of songbirds, or looking over the trees for the return of the robins and checking the yard for the appearance of the first crocus flowers, I look into the sky and hope to catch a glimpse of some blue sky and that bright light that is the Sun, instead of the dull pewter gray of a winter sky, all the while the voice inside my head keeps whispering “not long now”.

But as it is only the beginning of March, I’m looking out the window at the snow that covers the ground and all I can do is to try to keep myself still and hope that the coming days will be warmer, and I will be able to cure the March madness that afflicts me by being able to go outside and working in the sunshine soon.

That ball you just aced to the Beast was worth…well…more than your whole life

That ball you just aced to the Beast was worth…well…more than your whole life

The winner of the February Masters movie Challenge was: Brother Rick Wresche

With the answer: The Sandlot

 And said by: Benjamin Franklin “Benny the Jet” Rodriquez

This month’s movie challenge is:

This is my most special place in all the world, Ray. Once a place touches you like this, the wind never blows so cold again. You feel for it, like it was your child.

The first one to email the name of the movie and the character who said it, to wins. Good luck!!!

Dates of note for this month are:

Mar 4th | Regular communication

Pittsfield Grange, 3337 Ann Arbor-Saline Road, Ann Arbor, MI
Dinner 6pm,  Lodge 7pm.

Mar 12th | Brothers of Literature

Zal Gaz Grotto Club, 207 W. Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI
7pm -9pm.

Mar 14th | Monthly Brothers Breakfast

Weber’s Restaurant & Hotel, 3050 Jackson Ave. Ann Arbor, MI.  
9:30 am to 11:00 am.

Mar 14th | Past Master’s Roast

Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center, 8768 North Territorial Road, Plymouth, MI. 48170        
5:30 pm to 10:00 pm.

Mar 17th | St. Patrick’s Day

Mar 18th | Special Communication

Pittsfield Grange, 3337 Ann Arbor-Saline Road, Ann Arbor, MI   
Dinner 6pm,  Lodge 7pm.

Mar 25th | Masters Table


Cody L. Dunn
AAF #262